My parents came over yesterday - they live in Nebraska, so when they come it's a big deal! 11 1/2 years ago my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. It was quite a blow for daddy's girl, but up until this point I've been pretty ok. The last couple of times I've seen my dad (6 months ago and yesterday) he just looks old, tired, and weak. Not the dad I remember playing frisbee with, shooting hoops in the driveway with, going fishing with, working crossword puzzles with. . . not the dad I remember. He was quick witted with a dry sense of humor - which is still there, but he struggles to get his thoughts out. I watched him yesterday struggle to sit straight up in a chair. He constantly leans to the left due to muscle deterioration. He doesn't have the tremors most people associate with Parkinson's. I think that was what I had mentally prepared for, but watching him shuffle his feet because he can't lift them, moving slowly for fear of falling (which he did yesterday - caught his toe on the carpet and fell face first in the hallway. I'm thankful he didn't hit his head.) watching him not be the man I know he is inside is tough!
I got online today to revisit some Parkinson's websites and they reminded me that people don't die because of Parkinson's they most commonly die due to falling, choking, or pneumonia. Not a vision I have for my dad.
What I am truly grateful for in all this is knowing that my dad loves God. I grew up with him being very anti-God and bitter due to past circumstances. Shortly after my oldest daughter was born, my dad gave his life to the Lord and spiritually I've watched him grow and flourish in a marriage that before was barely getting by.
It's so hard to see a silver lining when you are watching a loved one slowly deteriorate. I am so thankful for my dad, though. He is an amazing, present, actively involved dad that loves me and my kids unconditionally.
What an honor to be his daughter!
I'm all about Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness with Jesus at the center!

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Something BIG . . .
Have you ever felt like you were on the verge of something big, something significant, something lifechanging? I feel like that right now. And I've felt that before and when I had that feeling, I was right.
A little over 7 years ago, Dennis and I became part of an organization that we felt would change our lives dramatically. We originally felt like it was a vehicle to increase our income, which it was, but what we didn't see was the dramatic changes it would make in our lives personally - for the better. When we first began our new journey, I had this excitement inside that something big and really important was about to happen. The thing is, though, it didn't happen immediately - it happened over a period of time. A long time. Through leadership training, books, CDs, conferences, etc, Dennis and I have drastically changed our lives. And looking back on the journey, the changes are not just big, they are HUGE!
Well, I have that feeling inside again. Our church has recently presented some new opportunities, some new structures that will be taking place, and the possible launch of a 2nd location. That's BIG! That said though, I have a new opportunity to do what my dream has become over the last 7 years and that is to be a leader of leaders. Our journey of personal development has sparked a desire in me to help others do the same thing - add value to their lives and to the lives of others. I've been really seeking and searching to find exactly what that desire meant for me and how it would play out. I have an opportunity to help lead the leaders in our Early Childhood Department and I want to do it with excellence, with gusto, and I want to succeed. Those butterflies of nervousness and excitement are in me and I am jumping in with both feet to help my team excel, so they in turn can help their individual teams excel.
God is so good! I do not take my responsibilities lightly - in fact after some more reading/education, I've realized some areas I've been lacking and I am striving to do more/better. Leadership is such an awesome responsibilty, but has the potential for great success and reward when you invest in the team you are leading.
Thank you God for this new opportunity. I pray you will guide and direct my every word and action. Help me be an encourager, effective vision caster, and leader. In Jesus' name - Amen.
A little over 7 years ago, Dennis and I became part of an organization that we felt would change our lives dramatically. We originally felt like it was a vehicle to increase our income, which it was, but what we didn't see was the dramatic changes it would make in our lives personally - for the better. When we first began our new journey, I had this excitement inside that something big and really important was about to happen. The thing is, though, it didn't happen immediately - it happened over a period of time. A long time. Through leadership training, books, CDs, conferences, etc, Dennis and I have drastically changed our lives. And looking back on the journey, the changes are not just big, they are HUGE!
Well, I have that feeling inside again. Our church has recently presented some new opportunities, some new structures that will be taking place, and the possible launch of a 2nd location. That's BIG! That said though, I have a new opportunity to do what my dream has become over the last 7 years and that is to be a leader of leaders. Our journey of personal development has sparked a desire in me to help others do the same thing - add value to their lives and to the lives of others. I've been really seeking and searching to find exactly what that desire meant for me and how it would play out. I have an opportunity to help lead the leaders in our Early Childhood Department and I want to do it with excellence, with gusto, and I want to succeed. Those butterflies of nervousness and excitement are in me and I am jumping in with both feet to help my team excel, so they in turn can help their individual teams excel.
God is so good! I do not take my responsibilities lightly - in fact after some more reading/education, I've realized some areas I've been lacking and I am striving to do more/better. Leadership is such an awesome responsibilty, but has the potential for great success and reward when you invest in the team you are leading.
Thank you God for this new opportunity. I pray you will guide and direct my every word and action. Help me be an encourager, effective vision caster, and leader. In Jesus' name - Amen.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Cherish Every Moment
A lot has happened in the last month to show me how precious and short life really is. . .
A young girl in our church (12 years old) was serving in our Children's Ministry one Sunday evening about a month ago. She started to get a headache, so she went home a little early and within an hour, she began vomitting and lost consciousness. After rushing her to the hospital and running some tests, it was realized that she had a tumor on her brain. This particular tumor is only found in girls starting puberty. Apparently it is hormone induced and it has to do with the pituitary gland (I think). This beautiful, vibrant young lady has spent the last month in Texas Children's Hospital and hasn't fully regained consiousness yet. She has fought infection, fever, sodium imbalances, and high heart rates. Currently she is stabilized and began her chemotherapy treatments 3 days ago. Not only has this affected her, but her family! Her parent's world stopped that night and it hasn't been the same since!
Also this month, I got word from my brother that a friend of ours had a medical condition requiring her to have brain surgery. She had some sort of condition that affected the base of her brain pushing into her spine and the space not being large enough. I don't fully understand all the lingo or terms, so that is very elementary language. Anyway, this is a mother of 2 beautiful children who is also involved in dance ministry professionally. Some said she'd never dance again. None of us believe that report! Her surgery was successful, but she still has a road of recovery ahead of her.
I also have a friend whose son may be diagnosed as having autism. What a precious little man who has a facination with numbers and a love for life like no child I've ever seen. I know it's been hard on his parents not understanding and wanting to ask "why" but knowing that God makes everyone just the way He wants them. There is nothing wrong with this little guy - he just processes the world in a different way than we do and that's probably not a bad deal at all!
All that said, I'm feeling very mortal right now. Even among my kids bickering, milk spilling, bathtub splashing, and debating "why momma's" I know that I need to cherish every moment of it. It's hard, especially on days like today where all the kids have done is tattle, cry, and whine about doing homework. They've litterally spilled their milk all over the kitchen floor, pouted because I wouldn't do something they wanted RIGHT THEN, and then tattled some more. And yet, as a mom, I know they are mine for only a short time - and really they aren't mine. They are God's kids and I'm honored to be called Mom. That is a title I cherish and pray I uphold that name with honor.
Father God, please forgive me for not savoring every moment of this life you've given to me. Each and every day is a blessing as are the children you've given Dennis and me. Help me, Lord, honor you in serving my family more, loving them more, and criticizing less. Help me build their confidence and self image. Help me show them You. In Jesus name, Amen
A young girl in our church (12 years old) was serving in our Children's Ministry one Sunday evening about a month ago. She started to get a headache, so she went home a little early and within an hour, she began vomitting and lost consciousness. After rushing her to the hospital and running some tests, it was realized that she had a tumor on her brain. This particular tumor is only found in girls starting puberty. Apparently it is hormone induced and it has to do with the pituitary gland (I think). This beautiful, vibrant young lady has spent the last month in Texas Children's Hospital and hasn't fully regained consiousness yet. She has fought infection, fever, sodium imbalances, and high heart rates. Currently she is stabilized and began her chemotherapy treatments 3 days ago. Not only has this affected her, but her family! Her parent's world stopped that night and it hasn't been the same since!
Also this month, I got word from my brother that a friend of ours had a medical condition requiring her to have brain surgery. She had some sort of condition that affected the base of her brain pushing into her spine and the space not being large enough. I don't fully understand all the lingo or terms, so that is very elementary language. Anyway, this is a mother of 2 beautiful children who is also involved in dance ministry professionally. Some said she'd never dance again. None of us believe that report! Her surgery was successful, but she still has a road of recovery ahead of her.
I also have a friend whose son may be diagnosed as having autism. What a precious little man who has a facination with numbers and a love for life like no child I've ever seen. I know it's been hard on his parents not understanding and wanting to ask "why" but knowing that God makes everyone just the way He wants them. There is nothing wrong with this little guy - he just processes the world in a different way than we do and that's probably not a bad deal at all!
All that said, I'm feeling very mortal right now. Even among my kids bickering, milk spilling, bathtub splashing, and debating "why momma's" I know that I need to cherish every moment of it. It's hard, especially on days like today where all the kids have done is tattle, cry, and whine about doing homework. They've litterally spilled their milk all over the kitchen floor, pouted because I wouldn't do something they wanted RIGHT THEN, and then tattled some more. And yet, as a mom, I know they are mine for only a short time - and really they aren't mine. They are God's kids and I'm honored to be called Mom. That is a title I cherish and pray I uphold that name with honor.
Father God, please forgive me for not savoring every moment of this life you've given to me. Each and every day is a blessing as are the children you've given Dennis and me. Help me, Lord, honor you in serving my family more, loving them more, and criticizing less. Help me build their confidence and self image. Help me show them You. In Jesus name, Amen
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Long Overdue . . .
Yes, I'm long overdue for a post and with the things God has been showing me over the last few months, apparently I'm long overdue on some mental overhauling!
Ever since I had children, I honestly felt like I was the only one in our family making sacrifices. I gave up my favorite hobby - bowling, which I happened to be very good at. I gave up working (albeit, only for 2 years), but I gave it up. With that came, being alone all day with small children, no socialization, and NO money to go get out and do things. I gave up the vehicle I loved for one that was less expensive. As we worked to build our business, I gave up going to meetings so we could save money on childcare, I recently gave up a job I loved to support my husband. I, I, I, I, I . . . .
Because I felt like I was always the one giving things up, I also felt I was handing over my need to be needed. We all have a need to feel significant, important, and needed. Of course, my kids needed me, but I didn't feel like I was making a big contribuition to society. I knew I was important to my kids, but I didn't realize how vitally critical that was. God gave them to me to raise - they are really only mine to borrow for a short while and I was screwing up big time! Children are a gift from God and I knew that in my head, but I didn't get it deep down inside where it really counts.
I sound so selfish - and I am - was - - - well, I'm working on "was". God has really shown me over the last few months how truly selfish I am. I never thought of myself as a selfish person, but my inner heart has shown through over the years in ways that masked as depression and anger - all from the root of selfishness. In the current book I'm reading, What Happens When Women Walk in Faith, it makes the comment that often God uses the mundane things in our lives to help teach us things. I never looked at it that way, but I can see it so clearly now. My depression and anger probably wouldn't have lasted as long if I had seen the silver lining in the gray cloud that constantly hung over me. Ah, but the light is now beginning to creep out! My struggle isn't over, I'm trying to find the proper balance between being selfless, yet still taking the time to take care of and occassionally pamper myself.
I'm sure many of you mom's have felt at least some of this battle. If not, I truly honor you. God is taking me on a journey to learn to honor Him in the mundane, so I can move on to different things. And if this is where He wants me, I am learning to be OK with right where I am. I strive to grow and learn and become a better person, a better mom, a better friend, a better wife, a better leader, but most of all I am striving to learn the lesson of selflessness right here where I am.
God, my heart is to honor you in everything I do whether it be laundry, cleaning up the kitchen, helping my husband, or doing homework with my kids. I realize that there is no insignificant task you have called us to do. The tasks may be different for different people, but I'm grateful for the opportunity to honor you by serving my family - as I feel they are the best family on the planet!
In Jesus' name, Amen!
Ever since I had children, I honestly felt like I was the only one in our family making sacrifices. I gave up my favorite hobby - bowling, which I happened to be very good at. I gave up working (albeit, only for 2 years), but I gave it up. With that came, being alone all day with small children, no socialization, and NO money to go get out and do things. I gave up the vehicle I loved for one that was less expensive. As we worked to build our business, I gave up going to meetings so we could save money on childcare, I recently gave up a job I loved to support my husband. I, I, I, I, I . . . .
Because I felt like I was always the one giving things up, I also felt I was handing over my need to be needed. We all have a need to feel significant, important, and needed. Of course, my kids needed me, but I didn't feel like I was making a big contribuition to society. I knew I was important to my kids, but I didn't realize how vitally critical that was. God gave them to me to raise - they are really only mine to borrow for a short while and I was screwing up big time! Children are a gift from God and I knew that in my head, but I didn't get it deep down inside where it really counts.
I sound so selfish - and I am - was - - - well, I'm working on "was". God has really shown me over the last few months how truly selfish I am. I never thought of myself as a selfish person, but my inner heart has shown through over the years in ways that masked as depression and anger - all from the root of selfishness. In the current book I'm reading, What Happens When Women Walk in Faith, it makes the comment that often God uses the mundane things in our lives to help teach us things. I never looked at it that way, but I can see it so clearly now. My depression and anger probably wouldn't have lasted as long if I had seen the silver lining in the gray cloud that constantly hung over me. Ah, but the light is now beginning to creep out! My struggle isn't over, I'm trying to find the proper balance between being selfless, yet still taking the time to take care of and occassionally pamper myself.
I'm sure many of you mom's have felt at least some of this battle. If not, I truly honor you. God is taking me on a journey to learn to honor Him in the mundane, so I can move on to different things. And if this is where He wants me, I am learning to be OK with right where I am. I strive to grow and learn and become a better person, a better mom, a better friend, a better wife, a better leader, but most of all I am striving to learn the lesson of selflessness right here where I am.
God, my heart is to honor you in everything I do whether it be laundry, cleaning up the kitchen, helping my husband, or doing homework with my kids. I realize that there is no insignificant task you have called us to do. The tasks may be different for different people, but I'm grateful for the opportunity to honor you by serving my family - as I feel they are the best family on the planet!
In Jesus' name, Amen!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
What an exciting week it's been . . . we received a phone call from Batteries Plus Corporate Headquarters and they decided to spotlight our store for the August going back to school promotion! We are (for the month) on the front page of the Batteries Plus website. Glad we're in a college town! Thank you God for favor!
Over the last couple of weeks we've had some amazing days with tons of customers and some disappointing days with hardly anyone. Dennis is busy going after commercial customers, so that the days that are slow with retail traffic, still turn out good in the check register at the end of the day. The good news is that it averages out and according to the schedule we should be on, we are ahead of the game. Thank you God for favor!
Dennis just called me and said that according to the National rankings for stores open less than 1 year - out of 33 stores, we were ranked number 31 for the month of June. Doesn't sound too good, but we were only open 8 days the month of June! Hey, we weren't last! Thank you God for favor!
I'm reading a book right now called Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado. It's amazing, the books our book club keeps choosing and how perfectly timed they are to what we are each needing to hear. Fantastic book, I highly recommed it! God knows all my needs and when I'm ready to stretch, He does that too. Thank you God for favor!
Over the last couple of weeks we've had some amazing days with tons of customers and some disappointing days with hardly anyone. Dennis is busy going after commercial customers, so that the days that are slow with retail traffic, still turn out good in the check register at the end of the day. The good news is that it averages out and according to the schedule we should be on, we are ahead of the game. Thank you God for favor!
Dennis just called me and said that according to the National rankings for stores open less than 1 year - out of 33 stores, we were ranked number 31 for the month of June. Doesn't sound too good, but we were only open 8 days the month of June! Hey, we weren't last! Thank you God for favor!
I'm reading a book right now called Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado. It's amazing, the books our book club keeps choosing and how perfectly timed they are to what we are each needing to hear. Fantastic book, I highly recommed it! God knows all my needs and when I'm ready to stretch, He does that too. Thank you God for favor!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Thought Dump
Nothing major to say, just alone at the Batteries Plus store and my thoughts are running rampant with no rhyme or reason, so I thought I'd journal them to help me process.
My lady friends and I had our monthly book club meeting on Monday to discuss, Believing God, by Beth Moore. It was a great meeting. I didn't say much, but did lots of listening - just one of those nights. One of the ladies really challenged me with her current situation and what she believes God is calling her to do. She feels silly - kind of like Noah did when he started building the ark - but is taking a leap of faith, for that I truly respect her and give her honor!
The store has been open for almost 2 weeks and things have been a little slow - mostly due to the rain. People don't like to get out in the rain and I can't say that I blame them! I'm getting the hang of all the paperwork and the computer system we use. That was my biggest concern, but that's pretty much gone. Now we just need the floodgates holding the consumers back to open and flow that river our way. The customers we have had are excited we are here and are wishing us the best. Our advertising started early - last night from what people are saying. We had 2 people come in this morning and 1 phone call that came from the tv commercial - YEEHAW!!
I'm missing my best friend. . . we've both been so busy we haven't really been able to connect. I'm glad for our scrapbook group as we both lead it so it requires that we be there. Back in December I went on a cruise to Cozumel and picked up 2 trinkets - 1 that looked like Marlin and 1 that looked like Dory (from Finding Nemo). I've placed my Marlin up on the counter by the computer so I see it every day! For those of you who don't know why I did this, see my very first post - it'll make sense.
My neice is moving back home to the Spring area and my 3 year old daughter found out today and is extremely sad. Kristin has been at Jack & Jill Preschool for the past 2 1/2 years and was Rachel's teacher all this past year. I received a text message from Kristin this morning that Rachel was sad and hadn't left Kristin's side. That breaks my heart for Rachel, but I know she'll be ok and Kristin is doing what she feels led to do. Her Aunt Lara will miss her! She is an amazing teacher and my kids think she's a pretty cool cousin.
I'm feeling a little sentimental and sappy, which REALLY isn't like me. I guess that's what happens when I'm left alone! Maybe I just need to go shopping!
My lady friends and I had our monthly book club meeting on Monday to discuss, Believing God, by Beth Moore. It was a great meeting. I didn't say much, but did lots of listening - just one of those nights. One of the ladies really challenged me with her current situation and what she believes God is calling her to do. She feels silly - kind of like Noah did when he started building the ark - but is taking a leap of faith, for that I truly respect her and give her honor!
The store has been open for almost 2 weeks and things have been a little slow - mostly due to the rain. People don't like to get out in the rain and I can't say that I blame them! I'm getting the hang of all the paperwork and the computer system we use. That was my biggest concern, but that's pretty much gone. Now we just need the floodgates holding the consumers back to open and flow that river our way. The customers we have had are excited we are here and are wishing us the best. Our advertising started early - last night from what people are saying. We had 2 people come in this morning and 1 phone call that came from the tv commercial - YEEHAW!!
I'm missing my best friend. . . we've both been so busy we haven't really been able to connect. I'm glad for our scrapbook group as we both lead it so it requires that we be there. Back in December I went on a cruise to Cozumel and picked up 2 trinkets - 1 that looked like Marlin and 1 that looked like Dory (from Finding Nemo). I've placed my Marlin up on the counter by the computer so I see it every day! For those of you who don't know why I did this, see my very first post - it'll make sense.
My neice is moving back home to the Spring area and my 3 year old daughter found out today and is extremely sad. Kristin has been at Jack & Jill Preschool for the past 2 1/2 years and was Rachel's teacher all this past year. I received a text message from Kristin this morning that Rachel was sad and hadn't left Kristin's side. That breaks my heart for Rachel, but I know she'll be ok and Kristin is doing what she feels led to do. Her Aunt Lara will miss her! She is an amazing teacher and my kids think she's a pretty cool cousin.
I'm feeling a little sentimental and sappy, which REALLY isn't like me. I guess that's what happens when I'm left alone! Maybe I just need to go shopping!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Do I Really Believe God?
I found myself doubting God last night. It's so hard when you want something so badly, but fear never getting it. Dennis and I have been fighting financial struggles for years; that's no secret to anyone that knows us well. We have been blessed with beautiful children, a healthy family, a house over our heads and vehicles that run, so please don't think I'm whining or complaining. This is about my personal struggle with trust.
God showed me a few months ago that I don't really trust Him. That could very well be why we face the financial struggles we do. So, now that Dennis and I are starting a new venture to help us climb out of the pit of debt, doubt is once again attempting to settle in.
I've been reading the Beth Moore book, Believing God and it is amazing! Also, it is apparently what I need right at this very moment. I found myself talking to aloud to boost my faith stating that I believe God can do what He says He can do . . . for me. That's the kicker - I believe it, but do I believe it for myself? I'm working on it! I am bound and determined to fix this mindset so my family can quite going in circles in the desert and cross over to the promised land. It's time for the harvest we've been preparing for!
Lord, I confess that I believe You can do what You say you can do for ME. I thank you for loving me and leading me on this path to learn to place all my trust in You. For You are Jehovah Jireh, my provider!
God showed me a few months ago that I don't really trust Him. That could very well be why we face the financial struggles we do. So, now that Dennis and I are starting a new venture to help us climb out of the pit of debt, doubt is once again attempting to settle in.
I've been reading the Beth Moore book, Believing God and it is amazing! Also, it is apparently what I need right at this very moment. I found myself talking to aloud to boost my faith stating that I believe God can do what He says He can do . . . for me. That's the kicker - I believe it, but do I believe it for myself? I'm working on it! I am bound and determined to fix this mindset so my family can quite going in circles in the desert and cross over to the promised land. It's time for the harvest we've been preparing for!
Lord, I confess that I believe You can do what You say you can do for ME. I thank you for loving me and leading me on this path to learn to place all my trust in You. For You are Jehovah Jireh, my provider!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
A Day in the Life of a Battery Store . . .
Saturday I spent my 1st and only training day in a Batteries Plus store up here in Waukesha, WI. A couple of times I had that deer in the headlights look and had to ask for help, other times I think I knew more than one of the guys that was supposed to be training me! It was mildly reassuring that he didn't always have the answers either. One of the men doing the training couldn't lift more than 10 pounds due to a surgery he had just had on his eye and he was having trouble seeing as well - so he had me doing all of his big battery lifting and watch battery changing for him. You should have seen the look on the customer's faces when he brought me out to get their boat and car batteries for them! It was pretty humorous!
I can't say I'm an expert at this point, but I do know a heckuva lot more than I did when I started. I saw some poor customer service while I was in the store, so I made mental notes of what not to do's and some what to do's. I think if customer service is over-the-top then maybe there will be grace when it takes me a little bit to figure out their exact needs. I was proud of myself - Saturday's in store training was the thing I was most scared of doing and I made it through. I told Dennis it made me want to go out and order a pizza and a pitcher of beer to celebrate! (I ended up going out for Mexican and had a burrito and a glass of water with lemon.)
All in all it's been good - scary, stretch myself, out ot the box good. I'm ready to be home and see my kiddos and Dennis. Only 4 more days left and I'll be back to the hot, humid Texas summer. Today some friends and I drove to downtown Milwaukee to see the sights. We ended up going for a long walk along Lake Michigan. It was sunny, 75 degrees, and breezy. The park we were at was beautiful and at one point we just lay down in the grass with our eyes closed and soaked in the sun. It was pretty cool - very relaxing. There were sailboats out on the water and people walking their dogs. Family picnics and roller blading. Bike riding and sun tanning.
Fun stuff!
I can't say I'm an expert at this point, but I do know a heckuva lot more than I did when I started. I saw some poor customer service while I was in the store, so I made mental notes of what not to do's and some what to do's. I think if customer service is over-the-top then maybe there will be grace when it takes me a little bit to figure out their exact needs. I was proud of myself - Saturday's in store training was the thing I was most scared of doing and I made it through. I told Dennis it made me want to go out and order a pizza and a pitcher of beer to celebrate! (I ended up going out for Mexican and had a burrito and a glass of water with lemon.)
All in all it's been good - scary, stretch myself, out ot the box good. I'm ready to be home and see my kiddos and Dennis. Only 4 more days left and I'll be back to the hot, humid Texas summer. Today some friends and I drove to downtown Milwaukee to see the sights. We ended up going for a long walk along Lake Michigan. It was sunny, 75 degrees, and breezy. The park we were at was beautiful and at one point we just lay down in the grass with our eyes closed and soaked in the sun. It was pretty cool - very relaxing. There were sailboats out on the water and people walking their dogs. Family picnics and roller blading. Bike riding and sun tanning.
Fun stuff!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
A Fish Out Of Water
Wow! I've spent 2 days in Milwaukee starting my 2-week training in product knowledge for our new Batteries Plus Franchise . . . and boy am I a fish out of water. Somehow I ended up in a class where 1 lady has a photographic memory, 1 guy has a patent on a pump that is used in certain car batteries, 1 physicist, and 1 guy that has 2 degrees - 1 in chemical engineering and 1 in electrical engineering. I'm the teacher/preschool director gone battery guru wanna be! Sometimes I just have to ask God, "what in the world are You doing!?" And then I smile, knowing that where I am weak, He is strong and knowing that I believe with everything in me that I am supposed to be doing this for and with my man. God truly works in mysterious ways! This adventure isn't about how much I know about batteries, it's about being in unity with my husband and with our calling as kings in the church. So, onward I go!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Great Adventure
Well, for those who don't know yet, I am leaving Jack & Jill Preschool to help Dennis run our new Batteries Plus store. I have had 5 amazing years at the preschool and I love what I do, but I feel God (not to mention, Dennis) wants me to stand beside my man as we take on this new adventure.
It's interesting how God shows us in subtle ways that we are on the right track, even if we aren't completely sure where exactly it is we are going. I began reading the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge a few weeks ago. It states that three basic needs that women have are to:
1. Be romanced
2. Play an irreplaceable part in a great adventure
3. To unveil their beauty
Well, although I'm not exactly sure how much help I'm going to be in the Batteries Plus adventure, Dennis believes I am an irreplaceable part in this adventure. I'm learning to embrace this as a positive thing, because I am so completely in over my head. I don't know the first thing about batteries, but I know Dennis needs me and I would never let him down.
He is excited about us working together and believes it will be fun. I'm hesitant to go that far yet, but I am at complete peace with my decision and in honoring both God and Dennis in this, I know I am sheltered under the shadow of the Almighty for this great adventure that I was apparently made to be a part of!
There is just something about unity. Even though Dennis and I have always been unified, this is different. Together, we are fighting side by side for our financial freedom. Many of you know we also have an internet-based business that we do together. But, in the beginning, we were not unified. It in fact, was quite ugly. I was quite ugly. I promised myself I would never again not support my husband. No, we'll never agree 100% all of the time, but I can choose to walk in unity with him even when I disagree. God, I believe, is using this opportunity for me to help make up to him what I truly believe I stole from him, from us, from our family. I'm grateful for a forgiving husband and a forgiving God.
Starting June 25th, Dennis and I will stand side by side building our future and the Kingdom of God, together. As one. Unified!
It's interesting how God shows us in subtle ways that we are on the right track, even if we aren't completely sure where exactly it is we are going. I began reading the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge a few weeks ago. It states that three basic needs that women have are to:
1. Be romanced
2. Play an irreplaceable part in a great adventure
3. To unveil their beauty
Well, although I'm not exactly sure how much help I'm going to be in the Batteries Plus adventure, Dennis believes I am an irreplaceable part in this adventure. I'm learning to embrace this as a positive thing, because I am so completely in over my head. I don't know the first thing about batteries, but I know Dennis needs me and I would never let him down.
He is excited about us working together and believes it will be fun. I'm hesitant to go that far yet, but I am at complete peace with my decision and in honoring both God and Dennis in this, I know I am sheltered under the shadow of the Almighty for this great adventure that I was apparently made to be a part of!
There is just something about unity. Even though Dennis and I have always been unified, this is different. Together, we are fighting side by side for our financial freedom. Many of you know we also have an internet-based business that we do together. But, in the beginning, we were not unified. It in fact, was quite ugly. I was quite ugly. I promised myself I would never again not support my husband. No, we'll never agree 100% all of the time, but I can choose to walk in unity with him even when I disagree. God, I believe, is using this opportunity for me to help make up to him what I truly believe I stole from him, from us, from our family. I'm grateful for a forgiving husband and a forgiving God.
Starting June 25th, Dennis and I will stand side by side building our future and the Kingdom of God, together. As one. Unified!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
What Are You Saying?
Ok, so the power of positive thinking and positive confessions isn't really a new concept for me at all. It's biblical and I believe in God, so, why is it that I feel my prayers aren't being answered. . .
I believe in God, but do I really believe God? Sure I believe God can do anything for anyone. I pray and hold fast and confess positive increase into my life, but what do I do when things don't turn out like I think they should? I discovered tonight at our ladies meeting, something that I already knew, but a new twist was revealed to me. I am praying, confessing, and believing for God to bless my life (which He does), but there are some areas I'm not seeing improvement in. So, when I don't see the improvement I feel should be there, I whine and complain (typically called "venting") that God isn't working in my life and He's not doing what He said He would do. So, when I verbalize that whine and complaint, I am completely negating, speaking cursings, if you will, over my life! Duh! When the going gets tough, instead of speaking more positive, speaking more blessings, and speaking things that aren't as though they were, I curl up in the fetal position, suck my thumb, and doubt the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth. How childish is that?!
I guess the big question is why I didn't realize that before. I thought by praying and confessing the positive I was doing the right things. . . and I was. But when I didn't get my way, I threw a fit instead of fighting harder with words of affirmation and success.
Our pastor's wife spoke this evening on this topic and she showed us in the Bible where God spoke the world and all of creation into existence. He didn't just think it into existence, He spoke it. Well, if He has to speak something into existence, wouldn't it be the same for me. I can't just think it, I have to continue to speak it and not speak against myself when tough times hit. The bible is the living, breathing Word of God. If I speak it, it has to come to pass because God can't lie. He is Truth. If I really believe in Him. I need to believe Him.
So, what are you saying? Are you speaking life into your husband, your family, your education, your finances, etc. or are you speaking death? What are you saying?
I believe in God, but do I really believe God? Sure I believe God can do anything for anyone. I pray and hold fast and confess positive increase into my life, but what do I do when things don't turn out like I think they should? I discovered tonight at our ladies meeting, something that I already knew, but a new twist was revealed to me. I am praying, confessing, and believing for God to bless my life (which He does), but there are some areas I'm not seeing improvement in. So, when I don't see the improvement I feel should be there, I whine and complain (typically called "venting") that God isn't working in my life and He's not doing what He said He would do. So, when I verbalize that whine and complaint, I am completely negating, speaking cursings, if you will, over my life! Duh! When the going gets tough, instead of speaking more positive, speaking more blessings, and speaking things that aren't as though they were, I curl up in the fetal position, suck my thumb, and doubt the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth. How childish is that?!
I guess the big question is why I didn't realize that before. I thought by praying and confessing the positive I was doing the right things. . . and I was. But when I didn't get my way, I threw a fit instead of fighting harder with words of affirmation and success.
Our pastor's wife spoke this evening on this topic and she showed us in the Bible where God spoke the world and all of creation into existence. He didn't just think it into existence, He spoke it. Well, if He has to speak something into existence, wouldn't it be the same for me. I can't just think it, I have to continue to speak it and not speak against myself when tough times hit. The bible is the living, breathing Word of God. If I speak it, it has to come to pass because God can't lie. He is Truth. If I really believe in Him. I need to believe Him.
So, what are you saying? Are you speaking life into your husband, your family, your education, your finances, etc. or are you speaking death? What are you saying?
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Altering the Future . . .
According to the financial icrease guru, Bob Harrison, "I am here to alter the future of the kingdom of God." Hmmm, that's no small task and quite an awesome responsibility. So many people go through life just barely getting by, and quite honestly they think that's fine. Well, I for one, am not "fine" with that. I've had financial struggles, gotten out of them, and found myself right back where I started struggling once again. I've learned a lot along the way, but apparently still have some wrong thinking that needs to be changed to right thinking.
Psalm 115:14 states, "The Lord will increase you more and more. You and your children." I want this and I am taking ownership of that scripture. I'm tired of saying I believe God's word, but not really believing it for myself. Either I believe it all, or I don't! I'm claiming and stating that I do!
That said, if I want to alter the future of the kingdom of God, Bob Harrison states the following requirements:
1. Serve others (help, aide, assist, let down my agenda to help someone else's)
2. Focus on integrity! God always honors that.
3. Be generous (in words, actions, service, money, etc.)
Increase thinking is about living outside the box, not just thinking outside the box. My prayer right now is that God helps expand my thinking and faith to live outside the box, not just think outside the box. I hope this challenges some of you to educate yourselves and rid your mind of wrong thinking and replace it with increase thinking so you too can alter the future of the kingdom of God!
Psalm 115:14 states, "The Lord will increase you more and more. You and your children." I want this and I am taking ownership of that scripture. I'm tired of saying I believe God's word, but not really believing it for myself. Either I believe it all, or I don't! I'm claiming and stating that I do!
That said, if I want to alter the future of the kingdom of God, Bob Harrison states the following requirements:
1. Serve others (help, aide, assist, let down my agenda to help someone else's)
2. Focus on integrity! God always honors that.
3. Be generous (in words, actions, service, money, etc.)
Increase thinking is about living outside the box, not just thinking outside the box. My prayer right now is that God helps expand my thinking and faith to live outside the box, not just think outside the box. I hope this challenges some of you to educate yourselves and rid your mind of wrong thinking and replace it with increase thinking so you too can alter the future of the kingdom of God!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Character is Everything!
Pastor Danny teaches that if we had to choose between wisdom or character, choose character every time!
It seems to me that so many people have forgotten what true character and integrity is really about. Often we are so concerned about who heard what from whom that we don't even seem to care about casualties that are taken down along the way.
One of my biggest pet peeves, is lying. I've never been able to handle lying. It completely negates any opportunity for trust in my book. I'm not going to say I've never lied or stretched the truth, but the older I get, the harder it is for me personally to stomach any sort of a lie, no matter how small. I literally get sick to my stomach if I stretch the truth. I think that's God's way of convicting me and keeping me on the straight and narrow.
I'm gaining a close second and almost a tie for first as far as pet peeves go, and that is gossip. I've never liked gossip and don't enjoy listening to it, but lately in my daily encounters there has been a lot of that going around. It all tends to start out as a, "well, I just thought you should know. . . " or a, "I don't want to tattle, but I heard . . . " or a "well, I'm going to tell you this so you can be praying too . . ." Ugh! There's an old song from probably the 60's (I'm not really sure) but it talks about only believing half of what we see and NONE of what we hear. Why NONE, because you could be walking up in the middle of a conversation, hearing one piece of a story, and taking the entire thing out of context and creating a story you feel is true that is completely false!
It angers me and it wears me out. Within the last 2 weeks I have come across friends/aquaintances that have been gossipped about and the stories that have been told are complete fabrications. Most of the time I just tell people to ignore it and go on, but the information this time is damaging to these people's character - and your character is everything. I know that God will take care of the ones that are spreading the lies, rumors, half-truths, etc., but He shouldn't have to! If we will choose to walk in integrity and not listen to the stories around us that aren't any of our business it will save a lot of people a lot of pain and suffering.
So, I challenge any of you reading this, if you've been inclined to gossip, stop and stop now. Often we take casualties down that we aren't even aware of because of things that we choose to let out of our mouths. The bible says the tongue has the power of life and death. I urge you to choose life!
It seems to me that so many people have forgotten what true character and integrity is really about. Often we are so concerned about who heard what from whom that we don't even seem to care about casualties that are taken down along the way.
One of my biggest pet peeves, is lying. I've never been able to handle lying. It completely negates any opportunity for trust in my book. I'm not going to say I've never lied or stretched the truth, but the older I get, the harder it is for me personally to stomach any sort of a lie, no matter how small. I literally get sick to my stomach if I stretch the truth. I think that's God's way of convicting me and keeping me on the straight and narrow.
I'm gaining a close second and almost a tie for first as far as pet peeves go, and that is gossip. I've never liked gossip and don't enjoy listening to it, but lately in my daily encounters there has been a lot of that going around. It all tends to start out as a, "well, I just thought you should know. . . " or a, "I don't want to tattle, but I heard . . . " or a "well, I'm going to tell you this so you can be praying too . . ." Ugh! There's an old song from probably the 60's (I'm not really sure) but it talks about only believing half of what we see and NONE of what we hear. Why NONE, because you could be walking up in the middle of a conversation, hearing one piece of a story, and taking the entire thing out of context and creating a story you feel is true that is completely false!
It angers me and it wears me out. Within the last 2 weeks I have come across friends/aquaintances that have been gossipped about and the stories that have been told are complete fabrications. Most of the time I just tell people to ignore it and go on, but the information this time is damaging to these people's character - and your character is everything. I know that God will take care of the ones that are spreading the lies, rumors, half-truths, etc., but He shouldn't have to! If we will choose to walk in integrity and not listen to the stories around us that aren't any of our business it will save a lot of people a lot of pain and suffering.
So, I challenge any of you reading this, if you've been inclined to gossip, stop and stop now. Often we take casualties down that we aren't even aware of because of things that we choose to let out of our mouths. The bible says the tongue has the power of life and death. I urge you to choose life!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Thick Skinned Not Hard Hearted
I had a conversation today with a friend about her attitude. It wasn't an easy conversation and it was one I wasn't looking forward to. (It wasn't Kimberly, so don't go speculating!) I realized during the conversation that sometimes the things we do for self-defense or self-preservation to protect ourselves from "bad situations, hurtful situations, etc", are often the things that end up destroying us. I watched my friend as I listened to her explain to me the hurts she had been experiencing and her response in the natural was to just pull away from the ones that were hurting her. Natural, I suppose. Spiritual, she thought. Because she knew her old nature was to "fight verbally" when she felt she was being attacked, criticized, gossipped about, etc., she chose to back away from people so not to react improperly. She felt she was doing everyone a favor. What was being perceived from her friends was that she was being distant and even rude at times - she was definitely not showing the love of Christ, although she was trying her hardest to do that.
I realized today that when we are in battle with the spiritual we can become so entangled in not doing the wrong thing, that we become the exact opposite of what we're trying to accomplish. It's strange and scary. We have to be "thick skinned" so as not to be offended by every person that disagrees with us, gossips about us, etc. Yet, in developing that thick skin, we have to be careful not to become "hard-hearted". My friend was trying to be thick skinned and all she was really doing was becoming bitter and hard hearted. The enemy was destroying her and the relationships in her life while what she was trying to do was preserve them. The good news is that God can restore and I believe He will. Remember, we are to bless those that curse us, not pull away from them.
Now, in saying all this, that doesn't mean we need to allow ourselves to camp in negativity all the time. We must surround ourselves with people that have goals and dreams and are "life givers" not "life suckers". What we need to not do is unknowingly become a "life sucker" because we've allowed ourselves to put walls up in order to preserve others from the ungodly things in our lives.
I realized today that when we are in battle with the spiritual we can become so entangled in not doing the wrong thing, that we become the exact opposite of what we're trying to accomplish. It's strange and scary. We have to be "thick skinned" so as not to be offended by every person that disagrees with us, gossips about us, etc. Yet, in developing that thick skin, we have to be careful not to become "hard-hearted". My friend was trying to be thick skinned and all she was really doing was becoming bitter and hard hearted. The enemy was destroying her and the relationships in her life while what she was trying to do was preserve them. The good news is that God can restore and I believe He will. Remember, we are to bless those that curse us, not pull away from them.
Now, in saying all this, that doesn't mean we need to allow ourselves to camp in negativity all the time. We must surround ourselves with people that have goals and dreams and are "life givers" not "life suckers". What we need to not do is unknowingly become a "life sucker" because we've allowed ourselves to put walls up in order to preserve others from the ungodly things in our lives.
Friday, April 6, 2007
The Countdown to Transition . . .
Well, today is Dennis' final day at UCS. I remember the day 12 years ago that he told me he had gotten a job there. I flipped out! My ex-boyfriend worked there, who I had just recently broken up with and all I could think of was, "This is Houston! In a city of many millions of people and thousands upon thousands of job possibilities, how in the world did you find the same company as my ex!" His only response was, "This is going to be fun!"
Dennis has had a good career at UCS as far as jobs go. He enjoys what he does and has absorbed tons of information, skills, and made some lifelong friends. With that said, being an employee has never been his heart. Ownership has always been his dream. Today at 5:00 PM will be the official kickoff of that dream.
I am so proud of him! He has always been a fabulous husband, father, and provider. My personal goal for this year is to be his biggest cheerleader and #1 fan. In the past it's not always been as it should and it's time for me to make it right.
As he begins this journey of franchise owner, it will be a major transition for our family as we learn to balance new responsibilities and time schedules. The kids are excited about Daddy's new truck with the Batteries Plus advertising all over it. All that's left is the actual building. One has been chosen and wheeling and dealing that is way over my head is going on.
Dennis will be gone for a month to training, so I'll become a single mother for awhile. Not a journey I'm particularly excited about, but it's a necessary one, so I've been praying for God's strength, wisdom, and grace to get me through this season.
So, cheers to my man! My husband, friend, father to our kiddos, and Kingdom Builder!
Dennis has had a good career at UCS as far as jobs go. He enjoys what he does and has absorbed tons of information, skills, and made some lifelong friends. With that said, being an employee has never been his heart. Ownership has always been his dream. Today at 5:00 PM will be the official kickoff of that dream.
I am so proud of him! He has always been a fabulous husband, father, and provider. My personal goal for this year is to be his biggest cheerleader and #1 fan. In the past it's not always been as it should and it's time for me to make it right.
As he begins this journey of franchise owner, it will be a major transition for our family as we learn to balance new responsibilities and time schedules. The kids are excited about Daddy's new truck with the Batteries Plus advertising all over it. All that's left is the actual building. One has been chosen and wheeling and dealing that is way over my head is going on.
Dennis will be gone for a month to training, so I'll become a single mother for awhile. Not a journey I'm particularly excited about, but it's a necessary one, so I've been praying for God's strength, wisdom, and grace to get me through this season.
So, cheers to my man! My husband, friend, father to our kiddos, and Kingdom Builder!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Hi! My Name's Marlin - and I'm a Clown Fish.
First off, let me explain the whole clown fish thing. . . My best friend, Kimberly, and I are complete opposites. She's outgoing, carefree, and brings me out of my shell. I, on the other hand, am conservative, anal, and anti-social. If any of you have ever seen the movie, Finding Nemo you know the two main characters (besides Nemo) are Marlin (Nemo's ultra conservative dad) and Dory (the fish with short-term memory loss that's just out to have fun). She and I call ourselves Marlin (me) and Dory (Kimberly). We've worked together for almost 5 years and anytime anything goes wrong I'll tell her, "this is bad Dory, really bad". A line from the movie when the two fish are surrounded by jellyfish. Kimberly and I have loads of fun and compliment each other in the work environment. In leadership, we are trained to surround ourselves with people who are strong where we are weak. God has done that by bringing the two of us together. That's the reason for the name, just for the record, though, I'd like to think I'm slightly more funny than Marlin actually is in the movie!
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