Well, I've contacted a potential illustrator and handed my children's book off to a friend for editting to get it in the best possible shape to submit to potential publishers. In the back of my head I hear the enemy telling me I'm stupid to think this could really get published, but I know God has told me to move forward with this project and to continue writing.
I learned in Bible study the other day that the enemy tears you down in genralities, but that the Lord will correct you and encourage you in specific ways. If you are ever wondering if it's God or the enemy, think about how specific or general the thought or comment is.
I know I'm not stupid to reach for a goal - it may never come to fruition, but I have to do my part and leave the rest in God's hands. I continue to walk forward hoping to hear more from my God and hope that He will trust me with more revelation from Him.
Lead me on, Lord - I am trying to follow the best I know how. . .