Have you ever just sat back, looked around at the world and wondered if everyone has just gone mad? I did that today and then I got mad.
I am not going to pretend I am a political genius because I honestly know very little about politics. But I do know I am passionate about the country I live in -what it stands for and on Whom and what principles it was founded. It is beyond my comprehension that people who call themselves Christians (myself included) can be so far polar opposite on views when it comes to politics. I have a friend who loves Jesus, but we do not see eye to eye on politics and I don't understand why. My thought is, if we would all do what Jesus would do and follow his principles, wouldn't our political ideologies be fairly similar? Yet, they aren't and I don't get it.
I saw a post today from Mike Huckabee regarding the liberal (democratic platform) stance on abortion and a woman having the freedom of choice and yet, that same platform wanting to control gun laws/ownership/rights/2nd ammendment freedoms in order to keep people safe. They are worried about keeping people "safe" but aren't worried about the value of the lives of the unborn. Either we value all life or we don't. According to the post, 2700 babies are killed each day from abortions and this liberal stance is okay. But, having the constitutional right to bear arms to protect our children and our families from bad people and the tyranny of government is not okay. It doesn't make sense. The lack of logic amazes me and it is quite surreal.
As a Christian, I cannot comprehend how people who are born again, blood-bought believers can vote for a leader who does not value life and does not value our biblically founded Constitution.
As the government grows and spending/debt grows, I think that gets America farther and farther away from what Christ would want for our country. Debt is not viewed as a positive thing biblically. We are supposed to be good stewards of our money and I don't think that government funded abortions, forcing people to pay taxes that go to feed those who don't work (and make a lifestyle out of it), pay for their medical blls, welfare, etc. is what America is about or is even biblical. Should we help the poor? Yes, as Christians, as a church, as humans, but it is NOT the government's job to take care of us. . . any of us! It never has been. The government's job is to protect the country and represent the people. Our government isn't serving anyone but themselves -that is obvious when they forced Obamacare on us but exempt themselves. Sickening. That would be like a Christian sharing the good news of Jesus Christ telling people they need to accept his salvation in order to go to heaven, but then they personally didn't have to accept Christ because they were above that. Double standards are not what Christ is about and I imagine our founding fathers would be rolling in their graves if they realized that is now what this country is about and what our government has come to.
I love the idea of changing our tax codes to be similiar to a tithe principle. That's a biblical principle that makes it fair for everyone, no matter what their economic status is. It's the same percentage of sacrifice. Ten percent may not be an appropriate number for a tax, but if we applied this standard we'd solve the complexity of the tax codes, close loopholes, and add in another pnciple that I think God would like and honor. Yet, there are Christians that feel the wealthy should pay their "fair share". I don't see anywhere in the Bible that God asks the wealthy to pay a larger tithe than those that are poor. God tells us in the bible that the poor will always be with us. So, I'm pretty sure redistribution of wealth is not going to get rid of the poor. Neither will capitalism. But if nothing we do is ever going to completely get rid of the poor -often because of their own personal choices, why don't we do what works best for the most people. That is true capitalism and as we have fallen farther and farther away from that, we are seeing more and more people on welfare and food stamps than ever before. I don't think that's anything we should be proud of.
Again, Christians have such polar opposite views on these political topics and I just don't get it. If we would all focus more on what the purpose of the Constitution is and what it is not along with opening our bibles and applying God's principles to our government we will all be a whole lot better off. We can then be that shining city on a hill America was called to be. I fear our light is fading as we turn away from what and Who we know is true.
Lord, help us and heal our land . . . . .