I see people every year on Facebook posting one thing each day that they are thankful for. It's fun to see them and to read them, but I've never personally done it. Yet, this year I feel the need to show myself all that I am thankful for. So, here it goes, a whole month of thankfulness in one post:
1. Jesus Christ -My LORD, my savior. Without Him, I'd have no hope.
2. My husband. Sometimes he makes me crazy, but the fact that he's still here with me and stuck with me through the darkest part of my life still amazes me. I love you, babe!
3. My kiddos - Again, sometimes they make me crazy, but I love their hearts. They love Jesus and I have a blast with them. They've taught me how to laugh more, love bigger, and get over my OCD when it comes to putting the Christmas tree decorations up. ;)
4. My parents. Dad isn't here on the planet with us anymore, but thanks to #1, I'll get to see him again one day. My Mom and Dad raised me well and somehow kept me on the straight and narrow. They supported me in all my endeavors and were always my biggest fans. Love you, Mom!
5. My brother. This guy - - - - this guy makes me laugh the hardest and I love him so much. He calls me even now to check in on me and I love that. Not many people have siblings that are great friends. I do and it is truly a blessing. Love you, David!
6. My dog. This ridiculous animal steals my pillow or my seat on the couch anytime I get up and move. He gives me dirty looks when he doesn't get his way and he climbs up on the chair to the kitchen table and stares at me when he wishes I would move to the couch and snuggle with him. He's got a lot more personality than some people I've met.
7. My true friends. I was the kind of girl that always hung with the guys because girls were too messy and dramatic. I've got a few really close girlfriends that I'm thankful for that have erased all my preconceived notions about women and their messiness. I love you ladies! You know who you are! And to my guy friends (my college bowling buddies and my bride's dudes) love you guys like crazy! I'm thankful for you and the fact that we get to have a chance for our families to hang out a couple times a year. You all mean the world to me!
8. My home. Yes, I'm thankful for the roof over my head and the pretty decorations inside. But, I'm more thankful for the atmosphere we have. The safe haven to be me with no walls and no masks.
9. Batteries Plus - There is so much that falls underneath this one. My source of income, freedom to stay home and school Caleb, the guys we work with are awesomely amazing and are fun team members to work with. It's so much more than selling batteries and light bulbs. I love our purpose, our vision, and where God is taking us. What an adventure!
10. Quiet time alone in front of a fireplace. Selah
11. My Grama Weddel - I wish I could just sit at her feet and soak in her wisdom and love.
12. Caleb's curious mind - this kid can take apart a toy and remake it into a working contraption that does something completely different. It boggles my mind the genius in that brain that I do not have.
13. Rachel's quick wit - This girl has a quicker wit than any kid I think I've ever seen. She keeps me laughing and reminds me it's okay to be silly and cut loose.
14. Rebekah's drive and passion. Basketball has brought out the tiger in this girl. She's motivated, hard working, and persistent. I admire that and those qualities will take her far in her purpose!
15. Fuzzy socks - they aren't sexy, but they sure keep my feet warm!
16. The sunshine on my face. There's not much that feels better than that in my opinion.
17. Books - love to read, but even more than just reading, I love how God works to change me and make me more Christlike through the books I choose to read.
18. Wisdom from my Creator. That women's intuition thing is truly the Holy Spirit working in us. I'm thankful I hear that -sense that -and work daily to heed that because I know it's for my own good.
19. My health. That can sound so canned, but I'm truly thankful I don't get sick often. I know people who battle diseases daily (my son-Type 1 diabetes) and some are just sickly. I don't have those issues and I'm grateful for that.
20. Caleb's endocrinologist - speaking of Type 1 -this couple is AWESOMESAUCE! They kept Caleb out of the hospital when he was first diagnosed and have walked this journey with us. They know personally what it's like to be Type 1 and they don't judge when an A1C may be a little higher than they'd like. I love them and am thankful God placed them in our lives. Love you Nurse Kelley and Dr. C!
21. Technology - Air conditioning, central heat, gas fireplace, my laptop, cell phone, lights, etc.
22. Dirt - I love playing in the dirt. The past few years we've taken a stab at gardening. Sometimes we have great success, other times not so much. But, I love trying. I totally think I could have been a farmer and been happy as a clam! (That's the Cornhusker coming out in me!)
23. A good movie - I'm not much of a movie watcher, but when there's a really good one, I love to sit on the couch with a blanket and just get lost in the story.
24. Muscle Cars - that may be a weird thing to be thankful for, but I love them. One day I want to own a 1969 Camaro. I love old cars. I love the beastly sound they make when you rev that engine.
25. Motorcycles - I'm a Harley fan (goes back to that beastly sound I mentioned in #24). Dennis is a Goldwing guy. It's okay, like Dennis says, "either way, you catch the same wind."
26. My car - my car isn't much, but it gets me where I need to go and has been pretty stinking reliable. Rides like a Cadillac for not nearly the cost!
27. Families that we "do life with".
28. Duh, my church! COVENANT FAMILY CHURCH totally rocks! Our pastors, Danny and Janet Green are amazing. They know that CFC is the only place our kids have ever known and they don't take that responsibility lightly. They love us even though we have quirks and accept us for who we are. They lead us to a deeper understanding of the Word and help us walk out the Truth in our daily lives. Love you, Pastors!
29. The men's Bible Study Dennis is involved in. I think my man has been in the same Bible study group for 13 years or something crazy like that. These men are accountable to one another and understand what it means to be a man of God, husband, friend, father, etc.
30. Thirty days has November, so this is the last one - Got to bring it back to Jesus. Thankful he loves me enough to accept me as I am, but also loves me enough to help me change and become better. Without Him, I might lose focus of what really matters. Maybe that's why He had me do this post. . . to remind me of what truly matters and all that He's blessed me with in this life. I love Him and if you don't have a relationship with Him, you're totally missing out.
I'm all about Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness with Jesus at the center!

Thursday, November 28, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Poor vs Lazy
Ephesians 4:28
"Those who are stealing must stop stealing and start working. They should earn an honest living for themselves. Then they will have something to share with those who are poor. "
I noticed in this verse that the poor and those that are stealing are not considered to be one in the same. I think there is a significantly distinguished difference here. I have to think that those stealing were being lazy and not working whereas the poor weren't stealing, but trying to do an honest day's work and simply struggling financially.
Many of us have been there -I know I have. Struggling financially, but still working our tails off trying to make a living, keeping a roof over our heads and our kids fed and clothed. Sometimes life is tough. Crap happens, but stealing should not be an option.
I think about the people in Louisiana who took advantage of the glitch where their food cards had no limit. These people are part of the reason that the welfare program in America doesn't work. It doesn't help the poor (the honest workers struggling), it is a system being taken advantage of by people who could work and are sucking the government dollars dry. They sucked it even drier when the system was down. It shows a lot about their character and it makes me wonder if their lifestyle is such of stealing from the government so they don't have to work. The fraud and waste disgusts me.
Yes, the program is to give people a hand up, not a hand out, but it isn't working. Scripture tells these people to get off their duff and get a job. If they do, not only will they help themselves, but they will also be able to help the poor who are doing things the right way, but just struggling temporarily.
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