I was making breakfast the other morning and our dog, Bullet, assumed the position at my feet while I was scrambling some eggs. This dog cracks me up. The looks he gets on his face sometimes . . . That dog can give me some of the dirtiest looks! Sometimes I swear he's cussing me out, thinking I'm a simple-minded stupid human. This time though, he had his cute brown puppy-dog eyes looking at me with excited anticipation with his little nubby tail wagging on the floor. He was waiting for something good. Something yummy. Something way better than his dry dog food that he gets every morning and evening for meals. I looked down at him and just laughed because he knows that I have something special for him. And he knows, I'm going to give in and give him a bite.
God spoke to me at that moment and asked me why I don't look to Him that way. . . . with excited anticipation about what He's going to do next in my life. With hopeful wondering as to what my future holds in Him. With joy knowing that He has good things in store for me -even better than the path I'm currently on.
Interesting isn't it? I am at a place right now where I ask God often when I'll get out of my slump. When can I do something new? Why does it have to be so hard? Do you see I'm miserable? How long do I have to struggle before the next phase? Why is it, I can't be more like my dog? Why don't I look to God as man's best friend, like my dog looks to me?
See, my dog knows I'm not going to give him anything bad. It's always good. Even if it's just a bowl of dog food . . . it's still good for him. But the occassional taste of meat or a slice of banana or strawberry (he loves fruit!), that's even better and my dog knows I won't give him anything bad. He doesn't get discouraged when he "only" gets dog food. He is excited about that too! But the look in his eye, when he knows there's something better coming, that's the look I want when I look to God in my moments of wondering why and when.
I'm not there yet. But God has shown me that I need to work on getting there. He only has good things in store for me, I just have to trust with joy, knowing that He's my best friend and He won't do me wrong.
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