Sunday, January 26, 2014

Going on Strike!

Dear Children Whom I Love Beyond Measure!

I'm thinking about going on strike!  I'm thinking the only laundry I will do will belong to me and your daddy.  And, children, when you do laundry, please don't leave the wad of dryer lint on the dryer -I'll hide it inside one of your socks as a surprise for you later.  I won't wash dishes b/c I will eat off of paper plates and use plastic ware while requiring my children to eat with "real" plates and utensils so they are forced to wash them if they'd like to eat again.  I am happy to cook for you, but I'm not cleaning up the kitchen. You can make your own school lunches though; I know you're capable of that.   Dirty clothes, toys, craft projects, etc I find laying around the house will go into a box where I will safely keep them and if you want it back it will cost you.  .  .  I'm not sure what, but you will pay!  I love you my dear children . . . . I love you enough to teach you that you have some responsibilities here and I can't do it alone.  

Now, I'm not saying you don't currently help with chores at all, because you do. . . . when it's convenient or when we fuss at you.  No more fussing.  I'm pretty tired of that -I don't like how that makes me feel.  Your mama wants to be outside and have free-time and go play just like you do.  Maybe if I help you learn the art of balancing your responsibilities with free-time we can all play together more.  I'd really like that!

So, I love you my dear ones and I hope that this strike will help you grow up a little bit in your responsibilities and diminish the entitlement mentality.  

How long will the strike be, you ask?  Well, that all depends on you and how quickly you learn to help out a little bit more around the house.  Just know, when I come off of strike, there's no guarantee I won't go back if you revert to old behaviors.  

I love you!  And one day you will thank me for correcting you and making you better!
Happy Chores!


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