The Beauty of America
With all the Chick-fil-A hoopla I've gotten all riled up inside. This deal really IS about free speech. It is NOT about who is right and who is wrong regarding same sex marriage. It is NOT about the "wicked" rich cramming their opinions down our throats. We, the people, are much too smart for that, I hope. Be gay. Be straight. Walk hand in hand with God. Walk alone. It's your choice. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Go -pursue your happiness, but why do we have to be so ugly about it? The double standards that this country has decided to embrace is hateful and downright embarrassing. I am pretty sure the other nations of the world think we look like clowns as we crumble at the doings of our own hands.
For some reason, this day and age, it's okay for Hollywood or Oprah or any other democratic leaning person/entity to voice a liberal opinion (which they are fully entitled to), and yet, now that a conservative Christian owner of a business voices his personal opinion it's UN-American and "hateful". Since when has it not been okay, in America, to voice an opinion - even if it is different than your own? Since when has it not been okay, in America, to donate money to programs you support? Since when has it not been okay, in America, to have a peaceful demonstration to support or protest an ideal?
The people that know me know I am a born again, follower of Jesus Christ. I have family members that are as well. I also have family members that are not. But just because our beliefs are different doesn't mean we sling ugly words or call one another "haters." I am entitled to my personal beliefs and opinions just like everyone else. Yet, suddenly with this Chick-fil-A "controversy" I have been placed into a box labeled bigot, hater, and "rich bully" (even though I am far from rich when it comes to money) simply because my beliefs align with a man who stood up for his convictions.
I admire people who stand up for their convictions - even if they are different than my own. We have to stand for something or we will fall for anything. (No, that's not an original saying) But can't we stand on the Constitution and look at it with a keen eye into what this country really stands for and was founded on? This country was founded on biblical principles, promoting personal freedoms. . . . period. If you don't like that or disagree with those principles, that's okay. You have the freedom to disagree and debate the issue. You also have the freedom to leave so you don't have to live under the Constitution or you can choose to stay and deal with the fact that this country's foundation is different than your personal beliefs and then get in alignment. It's your choice -that's the beauty of America!
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