Friday, August 3, 2012

Why are we here?

Black, brown, white. Conservative, liberal, independent. Straight, gay, bi. Make-up, au-natural. Pants, long dresses. Heavy metal, A Capella.  Wealthy, poor.  Dog lover, cat lover.  Employee, employer.  If you are a follower of Christ we need to walk in love. It doesn't mean we will all agree but we better get our crap together because we are all going to be in eternity together.

We are to love our neighbors as ourselves.  That doesn't mean we have to agree with everyone's lifestyle choices or political philosophies.   It does mean we need to walk together treating one another the way we would want to be treated.  We ought to be able to have civil, intellectual debates without getting ugly.  And if we can't, then we can agree to disagree in love or we will never win others to Christ. Isn't that why we are really here?

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