Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Punched in the Throat

Have you ever been punched in the throat before?  That happened to me last night -not literally, but it sure felt like it.  Pain, hard to breathe, a little sick to the stomach? 

I began (for the 2nd time) doing the Faithful, Abundant, True Bible study.  Kay Arthur was speaking last night on the book of Hebrews.  I have to admit, she's a little difficult for me to follow, but one scripture I've heard a thousand times jumped off the page at me and God punched me in the throat with it.  Hebrews 5:12 "By this time you ought to be teachers yourselves, yet here I find you need someone to sit down with you and go over the basics on God again, starting from square one -baby's milk, when you should have been on solid food long ago!  Milk is for beginners, inexperienced in God's ways; solid food is for the mature, who have some practice in telling right from wrong."

The part that hurt the most -"By this time you ought to be teachers yourselves. . . . "  Part of the dream in my heart is to teach.  I went to school to be a teacher -granted, an elementary school teacher, but teaching was in my heart at a very young age.  After having a not very pleasant experience in the public school system, I left that arena for other things.  I do NOT believe leaving the public school was a mistake, but I have wondered since then why God put it in my heart to get a teaching degree if I wasn't going to use it but for four years.  

A number of years ago, I felt like teaching was once again something I would like to do, but not in the schools.  I have a passion for people to be financially stable, sound, and prosperous.  I also have a passion for leadership -people taking full responsibility for themselves, their actions, and their future and helping bring others along with them in God's purpose and bettering themselves and others along the way.  The longer I live though, the further away I feel I have become from anything close to teaching or leading others.  

I feel like God showed me last night that, "By this time you (me) out to be teachers yourselves..." Great, it's my own dang fault I'm not where I want to be!  Time to kick it in, dig deeper, and learn to get on that solid food for myself.  Not from anyone else, but just me and God time.  I'm not good at that -it is definitely a weakness of mine.  I LOVE to read and devour books of finances, leadership, growth, etc.  I struggle though just sitting in the Word and chewing it on it for myself.  

Time to set the alarm a little earlier and do this thing!  

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