Thursday, November 6, 2008

History has been Made . . .

It didn't matter whether the Democrats or the Republicans won the election, history would be made either way. The first African American president or the first female vice president - either outcome, historical.

This year, history was made by Barack Obama. Our first African American president-elect. There is some pride I feel that our country has evolved far enough that we've now removed the lid as far as possiblities go. No more can anyone say, "it can't be done" because it has indeed been done.

There is also some sadness I feel. I was not an Obama supporter as I felt his policies didn't line up with my conservative beliefs. For that matter, much of what John McCain stood for didn't line up with my conservative beliefs - they were closer, though. I have to admit I'm a bit nervous to see where President-Elect Obama will take this country. I fear it will lead to bigger government and less individual responsibility and ingenuity. This is not what our Forefathers envisioned.

I was reading an article the other day that Dennis showed me. I'd like to share it:

Alex Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh at the time of America's birth, wrote a warning to America in 1787. He observed that the average age of the world's greatest civilizations was about 200 years, during which they inevitably progressed through the following sequence:

- from bondage to faith,
- from faith to courage,
- from courage to liberty,
- from liberty to abundance,
- from abundance to complacency,
- from complacency to apathy,
- from apathy to dependence, and
- from dependence back to bondage.

What is the problem with this? According to Professor Tyler, the next step from dependence is back into bondage. It's like the proverbial frog in the pan of water. Initially, he could easily leap to freedom, but if the water temperature is incrementally increased, the frog will eventually be boiled alive without even realizing it.

Consider the history of America as you look at the above cycle. I think this day and age, as a whole, we are in the "apathy" stage. Because of our apathy, turning from God, removing morals, lack of work ethic, and not fully educating ourselves on the current issues at hand, we are now headed to a government run, welfare program that will send us to the "dependence" stage and ultimately back into bondage.

With that said, though it's time for conservatism to make a unified comeback to break this cycle!

God, please help us turn our hearts back to You. For in You, we find our true freedom!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Present . . . Present . . . Present

God gave this line of thought to me the other morning . . .

As a former educator, words tend to fascinate me.

Take a look at this word: PRESENT
What is this word? How do you say it? What does it mean?

Actually, depending on how it’s used, it has 3 different meanings and can be 3 different parts of speech.

adj. Now going on – not the future, not the past, but the present
v. to introduce or to give – to present
n. a gift – a present

Ex. On this present day and time I am going to present you with a present.

Now, let’s take a look at this scripture:

"Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship."

Romans 12:1 NAS

This scripture uses the word “present” in the verb form – to introduce or to give. We are to introduce (or give) our bodies as a holy sacrifice that is acceptable to God.

But, what if we took it a step further and thought of our bodies, talents, and sacrifices as a “present” in the noun form – as a gift. Shouldn’t our spiritual service of worship be a sacrificial gift or a present to God?

And why do we often feel like we have to wait until “perfect timing” (which never happens) to do what we know we’ve been called to do; shouldn’t we do it right now – in this present time – not wait until we are better at something or the timing is more right etc.

Now, I am not trying to add to the scriptures, so please don’t read more into what this scripture is really saying. But, what I want is for you to remember when you see the word “present” next time you read or hear this Bible verse, remember the 3 meanings of the word “present”
ie – Give your gift now!

Remember, what we are doing today (in the present) is giving or presenting ourselves as a living and holy sacrificial present, acceptable to God, which is our spiritual service of worship.

See and value yourself and your abilities that God gave you as He values you and your giftings. Don’t look at what you do as small, but as a magnificent present of worshipful service to the King.

Give your gift now!