Tuesday, December 9, 2008

One Ticked off Mama!

Have you ever been so angry you can hardly see straight?! That has happened to me today. Mama Bear is protecting one of her cubs today. Below is the e-mail sent to one of my kid's teachers. I will leave the name of the teacher off for privacy reasons. . .

Mrs. _____________,

Rebekah informed me today that she needed her inhaler while in your class and you wouldn’t let her go to the nurse to get it. She said after a little bit, when you saw a tear rolling down her face, you allowed her to go get a drink of water, but not her inhaler.

If you look at her medical card, it is on file that she has an inhaler in the nurse’s office to be used “as needed”. Rebekah can develop asthmatic symptoms when the weather changes – especially when cold fronts come through. Rebekah doesn’t like taking medicine. . . especially needing to use her inhaler. She’s probably only been to the nurse 3 times this whole year to use it, so I’m guessing she wasn’t trying to get out of doing work or anything of that sort.

I am extremely upset that she was not allowed to go use it. I’m not sure what was going on in the classroom that was more important than her being able to breathe properly. Even if you felt she didn’t really need it, that decision is between the nurse, Rebekah, her doctor, and me.
Just so you are aware, I’ve informed Rebekah that if she truly needs her inhaler and any teacher tells her she can’t go use it, to respectfully tell the teacher she is going to need to disobey, then proceed straight to the office, tell (the principal) what she’s done and that she needs her inhaler and a parent called immediately.

If you have any questions regarding her health, I’d be happy to answer them.


Lara Norris

Is it a little harsh. . . probably, but you dont' mess with Mama Bear's cubs!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

History has been Made . . .

It didn't matter whether the Democrats or the Republicans won the election, history would be made either way. The first African American president or the first female vice president - either outcome, historical.

This year, history was made by Barack Obama. Our first African American president-elect. There is some pride I feel that our country has evolved far enough that we've now removed the lid as far as possiblities go. No more can anyone say, "it can't be done" because it has indeed been done.

There is also some sadness I feel. I was not an Obama supporter as I felt his policies didn't line up with my conservative beliefs. For that matter, much of what John McCain stood for didn't line up with my conservative beliefs - they were closer, though. I have to admit I'm a bit nervous to see where President-Elect Obama will take this country. I fear it will lead to bigger government and less individual responsibility and ingenuity. This is not what our Forefathers envisioned.

I was reading an article the other day that Dennis showed me. I'd like to share it:

Alex Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh at the time of America's birth, wrote a warning to America in 1787. He observed that the average age of the world's greatest civilizations was about 200 years, during which they inevitably progressed through the following sequence:

- from bondage to faith,
- from faith to courage,
- from courage to liberty,
- from liberty to abundance,
- from abundance to complacency,
- from complacency to apathy,
- from apathy to dependence, and
- from dependence back to bondage.

What is the problem with this? According to Professor Tyler, the next step from dependence is back into bondage. It's like the proverbial frog in the pan of water. Initially, he could easily leap to freedom, but if the water temperature is incrementally increased, the frog will eventually be boiled alive without even realizing it.

Consider the history of America as you look at the above cycle. I think this day and age, as a whole, we are in the "apathy" stage. Because of our apathy, turning from God, removing morals, lack of work ethic, and not fully educating ourselves on the current issues at hand, we are now headed to a government run, welfare program that will send us to the "dependence" stage and ultimately back into bondage.

With that said, though it's time for conservatism to make a unified comeback to break this cycle!

God, please help us turn our hearts back to You. For in You, we find our true freedom!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Present . . . Present . . . Present

God gave this line of thought to me the other morning . . .

As a former educator, words tend to fascinate me.

Take a look at this word: PRESENT
What is this word? How do you say it? What does it mean?

Actually, depending on how it’s used, it has 3 different meanings and can be 3 different parts of speech.

adj. Now going on – not the future, not the past, but the present
v. to introduce or to give – to present
n. a gift – a present

Ex. On this present day and time I am going to present you with a present.

Now, let’s take a look at this scripture:

"Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship."

Romans 12:1 NAS

This scripture uses the word “present” in the verb form – to introduce or to give. We are to introduce (or give) our bodies as a holy sacrifice that is acceptable to God.

But, what if we took it a step further and thought of our bodies, talents, and sacrifices as a “present” in the noun form – as a gift. Shouldn’t our spiritual service of worship be a sacrificial gift or a present to God?

And why do we often feel like we have to wait until “perfect timing” (which never happens) to do what we know we’ve been called to do; shouldn’t we do it right now – in this present time – not wait until we are better at something or the timing is more right etc.

Now, I am not trying to add to the scriptures, so please don’t read more into what this scripture is really saying. But, what I want is for you to remember when you see the word “present” next time you read or hear this Bible verse, remember the 3 meanings of the word “present”
ie – Give your gift now!

Remember, what we are doing today (in the present) is giving or presenting ourselves as a living and holy sacrificial present, acceptable to God, which is our spiritual service of worship.

See and value yourself and your abilities that God gave you as He values you and your giftings. Don’t look at what you do as small, but as a magnificent present of worshipful service to the King.

Give your gift now!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I'm struggling today . . . Caleb came home with quite a few papers that he had flunked - twice! There has been suspision of dyslexia since the end of kindergarten and now that he's in 2nd grade, he is officially struggling quite a bit.

Over the years, Dennis and I have been praying and believing for him to "grow out of it", but it just hasn't manifest itself yet. Today his teacher officially started the paperwork to have him tested. Part of me is relieved and the other part is saddened. No one wants their child to struggle - especially with school. Caleb LOVES to learn. He is inquisitive and has a lot of knowledge in his brain, but getting it on paper and trying to do anything that has more than a 2-step process is painfully difficult for him. Homework often involves tears on his part and lack of patience on mine.

His teacher also asked me today to do some extra work with him at home for practice. Of course, I have to come up with the stuff to do. I spent some time online trying to find pre-made worksheets on his level for extra practice. The trick is to get normal homework finished and then practice the extra stuff without having a nuclear overload meltdown. Oh yeah, there is the issue of the number of hours in a day too. If I had wanted to homeschool, I'd have chosen to do that!

Next comes the guilt because I'm trying to figure out how to fit in time for my son! How horrible does that sound!?!?! He should be #1 priority, yet there's work, church stuff, I'm trying to increase my exercise routine to be more healthy, keeping up the house, regular homework, taking care of the other two kiddos, being a good wife to my husband, trying to have an occassional moment to myself, and now extra studying. Can anyone tell me how to add an extra 2 hours in the day? There goes that guilt again . . .

Please be praying for us. I want Caleb to have the best possible chance for success. . . and I need to keep my sanity! Calgon - - - take me away!

What I need to remember: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Is your marriage "fireproof"? If you don't know what that means, let me encourage you to go see the new movie, Fireproof. Dennis and I went a couple of weeks ago and it is quite a testimony to the changing power a decision has along with the powerful hand of God working together.

This movie is made by the same group of people that made The Flywheel and Facing the Giants. If you liked the other two movies, I believe you'll like this one too. Part of the movie discusses a "Love Dare" that the husband goes through (watch the movie and you'll know what I'm talking about). You can actually get this book, The Love Dare, at Scripture Haven in the mall. I haven't read it yet, but I'm sure it will be fabulous!

Sarah, if you're reading this, it may be an idea for our next book we do for book club!

That's it - just wanted to plug the movie and the book. I know I want my marriage to be Fireproof and I want that for all of you as well!

Friday, September 19, 2008


I’ve been reading about work lately and would like to share some thoughts with you. These quotes come from, "Top 10 Qualities of a Great Leader."

“The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; but
the soul of the diligent shall be made rich” Prov. 13:4
pg. 153 – Diligence is completing what we begin with steady, continuing commitment to the task.

p. 155 – Luke 12:24 tells us that God gives the birds their food, but we also know He doesn’t throw it into their nests.

p. 154 – Work is its own reward. God didn’t offer Adam a thousand dollars a week to be the gardener in Eden. To work the garden and reap its fruits were enough. Work is something to love. Work isn’t something to avoid. It is something to embrace. It’s a therapy all of its own. To work – and to work well – and to complete the job properly, and to feel the pride of a job well done all feed positively into the self-worth of a person’s life. The lazy person whining about how the government doesn’t do this and that for them, complaining that they’ve never had a break, sitting around all day doing nothing is slowly destroying his soul. The great life we all crave comes simply from working. Work is not something separate from God. Work is a calling.

p 153 – Yes, the wise work, and they work hard. Therefore, their achievements are not small.

I don't want my achievements to be small. I think deep down inside, we all want to be a part of something big, something great, something inspiring. What the problem seems to be is that so many people these days want the limelight, but they don't want to roll their sleeves up and work. I also think too often, we want that limelight for our glory, not for God's. When our motivation is wrong, or we are too lazy to even try, it affects our soul.

I want it to be well with my soul. I want to leave a legacy that is inspiring - for God's glory, not mine.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Thought for the Day for my Children's Ministry Team

Every Sunday, we have someone within the Children's Ministry give a devotion or a thought for the day before we serve. I gave it this week and below are my thoughts. You may not be expanding your church, but odds are you are battling something. I hope this helps someone!

I have been reading Top 10 Qualities of a Great Leader, and as I was reading last night a couple of paragraphs really hit me.

“Strength is not optional but rather imperative in leaders. People will not follow weak, uncourageous leaders. They line up behind the courageous, the strong, the warriors.” P. 40

“One of the great scenes in The Patriot is when the leader-warrior, played by Mel Gibson, sees his ragtag militia retreating back over the hill. He lays hold of the flag and begins racing to the crest, running through the troops in the opposite direction toward the enemy. At the sight of just one brave soldier refusing defeat, the militia rise with fresh courage. They turn and rush the enemy and secure victory.” P. 41

We all know that with growth, comes growing pains. Some people can’t handle the pain, so they quit, they give up, they lose heart. As Covenant Family is in a growing process, we are also feeling those growing pains. My question to you is, are you strong enough to “play through the pain”?

Even if you’re not ready to be the one to grab the flag and lead the charge, are you willing to rise with fresh courage, line up behind your strong, warrior leaders, turn, and rush the enemy so we can secure victory as a united team?

We are at war. We are fighting for souls. Even if we feel we are too weak to “play through the pain”, we must know and stand firm on the fact that the Bible is true and according to 2 Cor: 12.10 “…In my weakness He is made strong”.

So, if you are feeling weak, let Christ be your strength. We need to be courageous, strong, warriors running toward the enemy ready to attack. Neither retreat nor defeat are options.
I truly believe that when our team members see even one of us brave soldiers refusing defeat, our teams will rise with fresh courage. They will turn and rush the enemy and secure victory!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wheat Free . ..

For the past few months, my oldest daughter Rebekah has been having breathing issues. I guess it started back in November with a cough that wouldn't go away. I figured it was a seasonal allergy thing because she and I both suffer from that, so I started her on Claritin daily and gave her some Robitussin to loosen up the chest congestion and that seemed to help somewhat.

By March, I realized we were still having an issue and the winter season was behind us, so the seasonal allergy thing didn't really hold water anymore. I took her in to the doctor to see what he had to say. We switched her to Zyrtec, he gave her a steroid to reduce the inflamation in her lungs and sent us on our way. She was better for the week she was on the steroid, but then everything started all over again, only worse.

I waited a few weeks, continued the Robitussin and Zyrtec, but then when I could hear her wheezing, I took her back in. The doctor listened to her, but that day she wasn't wheezing, so he gave her an inhaler and said to use it when she was wheezing. That was fine until we started needing it daily.

Back to the doctor we went. He began questioning about our family history. Is there a family history of asthma - no. Did she have pneumonia as a baby - no. RSV - no. no. no. no. no. I don't remember the series of questions, but the answer was no to all of them. He was stumped as apparently asthma symptoms don't typically "just appear out of nowhere". But, they had. He started her on a daily dose of Singular which is good for allergies and asthma as well along with the Zyrtec.

That worked wonders . . . for about 5 weeks. Then the cough and the tight chest started happening again - back to the inhaler, and then she randomly broke out in hives and itching all over. He sent her in to get a blood test for common food allergies as I do have a family history of food allergies on my mom's side of the family. Nothing really came up except a mild allergy to wheat. He though, didn't feel it was a high enough # on the ranking to be the cause of the issue she was having. Stumped, frustrated, and quite frankly - scared, I started searching for possible answers. I took her off of peanut butter before the food test because my mom is allergic, but that didn't show up at all on the ranking, so that wasn't it.

Someone I know from church overheard a conversation I was having regarding the issue and she gave me a book. After skimming the book and reading about a huge variety of issues we face this day and age that used to be so rare, I decided to take my daughter off of wheat just to see what would happen. She's pretty upset she can't eat a sandwich, but I told her oxygen is much more important. It's only been a couple of days, so we will see what happens. We also have an appt set with an allergist for next week. We'll see what my "in home" experiment turns up and I'll talk to the allergist about that when we go.

For now, please be in prayer for wisdom in this area. Going wheat/gluten free isn't an easy thing to do as my dear friend, Sarah knows. But, it is possible and if it works, so totally worth it. I know God's hand is right here with me guiding me and directing me in the right direction. I am praying and believing for complete healing for Rebekah. While I pray and believe, though, I'm going to do all I can to help her any way I can.

Thus is the life in a fallen world. Oh for Heaven when we can eat whatever we want - not be allergic and not gain weight! LOL

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Eternity Driven

Just a short post today . . . I recently finished the book, Driven by Eternity by John Bevere. I highly recommend this book to everyone! It will greatly influence the way you make your daily decisions. Read it, absorb it, apply it. There could be eternal consequences if you don't and eternal rewards if you do.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Dance. . .

Well, I finally finished the book, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day. It has really caused me to reflect on my life. My successes, my failures, but most of all, my regrets. Mark Batterson states that most of the regrets people have are those of omission rather than of comission. In other words, most people regret having NOT done something rather than having done something they wish they hadn't. I think it's the "what if" factor in life. I think regrets of omission haunt us because we tend to wonder "what if". What if I had chased that lion, what if I hadn't stood on the sidelines, what if I hadn't been such a chicken, or so shy, or so prideful? What if. . .

As I looked back over the past 36 years of my life, I realized I really only have 1 regret of omission and it does still haunt me to this day. Maybe "haunt" is not the right word. Maybe it's God still whispering in my ear to go for it. Either way, the thoughts are still there.

As a kid I was extremely involved in gymnastics. I was competetive for 10 years. As most people know, dance is a huge portion of gymnastics and I enjoyed doing it. At the age of 15 I gave up the sport because of a back injury that forced me out of the whole deal. To this day I miss the discipline and freedom of expression that was involved in the sport.

Through the years since I quit, there have been dance teams at church that offer the opportunity for that expressiveness in dance to come out in the form of worship. As much as I wanted to pursue it, I was afraid looking silly. Dance in the church was a fairly new concept when the team was put together at the church I went to as a teenager. I guess I should say new to that church. David danced before the Lord before there even was a church! Anyway, my shyness and fear of criticism kept me from pursuing something that was still in my heart.

After marrying and moving to College Station, the church we went to didn't have a dance team, but occassionally there were certain conferences that would have an expressive dance portion as part of the itinerary. It was pretty much the same two ladies that always did it and I never asked about it because I was afraid of them thinking I was intruding on their territory. Both of those ladies have long since moved away and here I still sit. A few weeks ago, there was a dance/worship performace during a Sunday service. The team that danced was mostly kids ranging from 15 - 19. The leader/choreographer is 26 and she danced with them, but that still would make me the old geezer of the group.

It's so easy to make excuses - even rational ones. I'm too old, my back is bad, my knee is bad, I won't fit in with the teen scene, etc. I spoke with my husband about this today and he just smiled at me and asked me who I would be dancing for. I told him it would be for God. He continued to smile and let me know that all the rest of my excuses and fears didn't matter. Duh - I know that in my head. It's my heart that's still struggling.

So, tonight I am going to our monthly women's meeting and am praying for the courage to seek out the choreographer of our church's dance team. I want to speak to her and get this old body moving forward. Maybe I'll even have the opportunity to get it moving in circles, and lunges, and leaps, in worship.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Chasing Lions. . .

Chasing a lion sounds like a crazy thing to do. . . and it is. Lions are massive creatures. They can be deadly creatures. But I'm in the middle of a fabulous book titled, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, by Mark Batterson - and it makes lion chasing sound like the most amazing way to live the John 10:10 life. In the book, he asks the question, "Are you living a life worth telling stories about?" I got to thinking about my safe, predictable life and had to honestly answer "no". How boring am I?!?

Deep down, I want to live an exciting, on fire, worth-telling-stories-about life. But the reality is, I don't do it. I began to reflect and started talking to God. I told him I didn't think He sent many lions my way. His response was that I missed them because I wasn't on the lookout for them. OUCH!! That's a painful truth. I probably wasn't looking for them though, because It isn't in my human nature to go running after something that could potentially harm or even kill me.

As a mom, I try to protect my kids from all the dangers lurking around them. I want them to be safe and free from harm. That's the natural motherly, nurturing thing to do. But, is it the right thing to do? Sure we don't want to put our kids or ourselves in danger. We need to use wisdom. God gave us good brains and I believe we need to use them. That said however, are we too busy being careful that we miss out on adventures, risk taking, and the abundant life God has planned for us? I think the answer is a resounding "yes".

I haven't finished the book In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day yet, but I have a feeling the more I read, the more convicted I will be to be on the lookout for lions; chase them when I find them; and trust God wholeheartedly to help me win the battles He's called me to fight. I am looking forward to new and exciting adventures. I want to make my kids proud and leave a legacy worth telling stories about.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Fessing Up . . .

Ok, so I finally fessed up to my husband that I'm not in my niche at the battery store. I told him that I almost felt like I was having a midlife crisis because I didn't really know what I wanted to be when I grew up (yeah - I'm 35 I know!). Talking to him was so scary because I didn't want to disappoint him. Truthfully, though, I don't think he was surprised at all.

Dennis was so supportive and so awesome. He knows that this is what I'm supposed to be doing right now, but not forever. He knows that working with him was a huge leap of faith for me. He also knows that God has something waiting for me in the wings, we just can't see it yet. I think even when this chapter is over, though he still wants me to keep the books! :) I think I can handle that!

It is so amazing and wonderful to have the support of my man. I really enjoy being with him during the day and am sure I will miss that when it's gone. We win together on great days and encourage each other on days that business is slow. I really didn't think we could work that well together, and at first it was a challenge. Now, it's pretty smooth (except for that PMS week I have monthly)! All joking aside, God has really shown me that we are a team and we can work together for a common goal. Something we hadn't truly done for awhile.

Dennis is in his element and smack dab in the middle of his calling. He is called to be a business owner and a king in the church to provide the provision to help fulfill the vision of our church to reach this community and beyond for Christ. I love seeing him on fire about what he is doing. He is amazing and I am so proud of him!

I can truly say that in this area of my life, I have no regrets. I may have questions and be unsure in what the future holds, but I have no regrets. . . . and that's the kind of life I want to live!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Feeling More Like a Flounder than a Clown Fish

Isn't a flounder the kind of fish that lays on the bottom and has eyes only on one side of their face. That's kind of what I feel like! Eight months ago when I took a flying leap of faith to help my wonderful husband start his business, it was as if I was free falling and didn't know where I'd land. Now I feel like I've hit the bottom and am floundering around in the wet sand - and can only see in one direction rather than the panoramic view I'm used to. Don't get me wrong, it is an amazing feeling knowing that I am helping Dennis fulfill his lifelong dream. It is so much fun watching him get excited over new sales leads and record days for the store - I know this business isn't just for him. . . he is building his family's future and the Kingdom of God.

That said, I struggle with my own purpose and my own dreams. I don't really even know what they are at this point - hence the flounder analogy. God keeps reminding me of the movie "Facing the Giants" when Grant Taylor asks his wife if she will still love God if He never gives them children. That was her dream - and he point blank asked her if she would still love Father God if she never sees her dreams fulfilled. That's kind of how I feel. I keep telling myself and God that if I work for Dennis the rest of my life, I will still love God. Batteries are not my dream - Dennis knows that and God knows that. But, I don't even know what my dream is.

In a post late last year I spoke of the new position at church that I was doing - - - and I absolutely love it! There's something inside me that lights on fire when I'm leading the team to new territory. It's scary, but it fits. That, however, isn't my daily focus. Maybe that's the challenge I'm trying to overcome right now. My daily focus doesn't seem to fit, but the "sideline routine" does.

I feel my job right now is to be Armor Bearer to Dennis. A new task that I am learning - I've been that for a friend, but God is showing me how I haven't ever really been that for Dennis. . . and in reality, I should be that for him first and foremost.

That said, I still feel like God has a different main plan and purpose for me. I just don't know what it is. Maybe the "sideline routine" will turn into more than that. Maybe it won't. That's a scary and frustrating place to be. But I know that no matter what, I will still love God. He sees me here floundering on the ocean floor and He isn't surprised by what is happening. My prayer is that I quickly learn what I am supposed to learn in this portion of my journey here on Earth, so that I may move forward in His plan and purpose. . . whatever that may be.