Monday, October 17, 2011

Let it go . . . .

"Let it go. . . ." these are the words I feel God spoke to me about a week ago regarding Children's Ministry.  I've been in Children's Ministry at Covenant Family Church for about 12 years - just after Rebekah was born and she'll be 13 in 4 months. 

I began this journey in the infant room with Rebekah.  I felt if I had a child in Children's ministry, I ought to invest in my daughter by investing in the ministry.  I wasn't in a classroom long, as it wasn't really for me, but I quickly switched to the check-in counter.  I could sign the kids in, interact with the parents, love on the kiddos and send them on their way.  I loved these kids, but I was in a pretty bad place emotionally and being in a classroom was a bad thing for the kids and for me.  The check in counter was a perfect fit for where I was.  

I don't even know how long I did that and was promoted to Service Coordinator.  ie the person who was the ultimate voice for Children's Ministry should anything go down during service.  I made sure classrooms had supplies, teachers, and if there were any issues that needed settled regarding a child's behavior, a kid getting hurt, or a parent simply having challenges with the way we did things, I was one of the ones to handle the situation.  

After doing that awhile, I got another promotion to Early Childhood Director.  I think it seemed like a natural fit since I helped my best friend run a daycare.  If I could do that, i ought to be able to run this ministry.  I've lost count on the years I've done this as well.  It never really mattered, I just knew it was where I belonged.  

Well, the time has come for me to step down from this area of ministry.  It seems like it's hard to keep committed people in children's ministry and now I am becoming the one to jump off the boat.  I've hung in there during challening times when I didn't want to be there, but didn't feel released to leave by God or by my church.  I am certain now that God is moving me in a new direction, although I don't know what that is yet.  I am learning thought, that sometimes we have to take the step before God parts the sea.  I think this is one of those times.  

I'm not sure where I'm headed, but I think I'm ready for a change and a  new challenge.  I've emailed my leader to set up a meeting with her to formally resign.  It will be tough, but I know if I stay in the wrong place I am hindering the ministry more than I am helping.  

Letting Go . . .  

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