Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Altering the Future . . .

According to the financial icrease guru, Bob Harrison, "I am here to alter the future of the kingdom of God." Hmmm, that's no small task and quite an awesome responsibility. So many people go through life just barely getting by, and quite honestly they think that's fine. Well, I for one, am not "fine" with that. I've had financial struggles, gotten out of them, and found myself right back where I started struggling once again. I've learned a lot along the way, but apparently still have some wrong thinking that needs to be changed to right thinking.

Psalm 115:14 states, "The Lord will increase you more and more. You and your children." I want this and I am taking ownership of that scripture. I'm tired of saying I believe God's word, but not really believing it for myself. Either I believe it all, or I don't! I'm claiming and stating that I do!

That said, if I want to alter the future of the kingdom of God, Bob Harrison states the following requirements:
1. Serve others (help, aide, assist, let down my agenda to help someone else's)
2. Focus on integrity! God always honors that.
3. Be generous (in words, actions, service, money, etc.)

Increase thinking is about living outside the box, not just thinking outside the box. My prayer right now is that God helps expand my thinking and faith to live outside the box, not just think outside the box. I hope this challenges some of you to educate yourselves and rid your mind of wrong thinking and replace it with increase thinking so you too can alter the future of the kingdom of God!

1 comment:

norrisde said...

Good stuff! I am proud to be your husband! I got a trophy wife with brains and integrity to boot! It don't get much better than that!

Love ya!!